Wednesday, January 31
Ragnar Wireless coming soon!

Friday, January 26
State of Galactica Address

We have seen a number of sci-fi shows come and go within the last year. CBS’ Threshold, ABC’s Invasion, NBC’s Surface- all have received the axe. And all of them had continuing story arcs dealing with aliens from other worlds or strange creatures inhabiting this world. Why did Battlestar Galactica survive and not receive the same fate? That’s simple to answer. First up, the effects never dominated the character-driven stories. Second, the Cylon psyche was explored in such a compelling fashion that viewers found themselves cheering for some of the models as they opposed other models (reminding one of human frictions within our society). Third, the search for Earth seems to be an even more prevalent theme in the show than originally imagined or conceived by Ron Moore. Finally, the acting continues to be superb. Olmos & McDonnell shine in their roles. Lawless and Stockwell also managed to catch the limelight every now and then. And some of the secondary characters have risen to primary cast level- e.g., Aaron Douglas as Chief Galen Tyrol comes immediately to mind. Wouldn’t you agree with my assessment, Shaun?
The declining ratings for Battlestar Galactica have come up over and over again. Some have inferred people are turning away from the show- “in droves.” That is a faulty inference as there are many more cable channels out there that are competing with BSG for that coveted timeslot. That the show is now on itunes makes it more accessible at times convenient for the fans- not necessarily the time it is first aired on SCI FI. That all of SCI FI programming has shown a ratings decline (below 2.0 typically) means that it is not Battlestar-specific content people are tuning away from, but perhaps that channel overall. My best educated guess is that Battlestar will bounce back to a 1.5 or 1.6 now that it is paired up with The Dresden Files on a new night, Sundays. Many sci-fi/fantasy shows that shifted their timeslot to Sundays have benefited from the programming change- shows like X-Files and Charmed which lasted 7 or more seasons. Am I spot on in my assessment of the ratings, Shaun?
The Season 3 finale will contain multiple cliffhangers, and some fans are outraged if the show gets cancelled- then the story will never be resolved. My retort to that is BSG is not going to get cancelled this year. There has been more media hype than ever for this show. Two all day marathons on SCI FI have occurred in the past month alone. And if BSG was ever in danger of being cancelled, SCI FI would have told RDM to wrap up the storyline well before the filming ended for Season 3. Remember SG-1. The producers were told before the midseason break that the tenth season would be their last. RDM would have received the same ‘treatment’- especially as this show has pulled in more respectable ratings than SG-1 in its final season. So the question remains: What is in store for BSG in Season 4? Perhaps there will be a reduced budget for the 20 episodes? Perhaps they will go with 13 episodes instead of 20? One thing is for sure, when mid- February rolls along (if not before then), we will see the “greenlight” given to another season of BSG on SCI-FI. So Say We All, Shaun, So Say We All!
Wednesday, January 24
Today's Cylons Are Far Too Human

I have a great disappointment with two plotlines currently being perpetuated on Battlestar Galactica. I am a fan of both the original and the reinvented series, and I have become quite fond of many aspects of the new series, especially the performance of Edward James Olmos. My resentment lies first in the Starbuck–Apollo love affair. In season one, it was revealed that Starbuck was engaged to Zack (Apollo's younger brother); therefore the Starbuck–Apollo relationship was a closely bonded friendship. Apollo regarded Starbuck almost like a sister, and Adama viewed her like a daughter. I think by now having the married Apollo lusting over the married Starbuck is a detriment to the character of Apollo. I feel it reduces the drama of an otherwise excellent show down toward a Jerry Springer type lowness.
I realize the new series widely uses the "reinvented" license, but the original character of Apollo was always of the highest moral integrity and was thus able to help guide Starbuck away from his normal immoral dispositions. Secondly, the new plot involving the revealing of the "five final Cylons" seems awkward. I see no motivation for Lucy Lawless' Cylon character to be obsessed with learning their appearance. Furthermore, Baltar's insecurity and fear of potentially being a Cylon himself compromises the notion that the Cylons are a feared race of man-made beings. If anybody might turn out to be a Cylon, then what separates them from humans and why should we fear them? The original Cylons, albeit a bit toaster-looking, were a monstrous race of mechanical beings, and thus a drama of the show was founded in humans fearing being conquered by Cylons. The new series is making the Cylons far too human in every aspect and thus diminishes the reasons why humans should fear them.
Vern Hartsock
Vhartsock1 AT comcast DOT net
Is Starbuck a Cylon?

Is Starbuck a Cylon? Biggest Question of Second Half of BSG Season
I hope you stayed up late last night and watched the mid-season return of Battlestar Galactica. If you didn't, and you're one of those wimps who doesn't like spoilers, park yourself in front of the frakkin' DVR and come back when you're ready to hear crucial plot points revealed.
Now that I have that out of the way, let's talk about where show co-creators David Eick and Ron Moore are taking us for the rest of the season. Obviously, a big focus will be finding the remaining five cylon models. Last night's episode revealed that Starbuck may be one of the five. After all, she has the image from the "Eye of Jupiter" implanted in her brain and there are a lot of other suspicious things about her. Let's ponder the case against Starbuck's humanity. Your honor, I present here eight pieces of evidence that Starbuck is clearly a cylon:
1. Uncanny ability to sneak right up to the Resurrection Ships and get close-up pictures of them when she was on a secret mission for Admiral Cain.
2. The Simon cylon was oddly unable to turn Starbuck into a baby-maker for the Cylon when he captured her and tried to stick her into the baby farm.
3. Starbuck's connection with the Leoben model when she was imprisoned on New Caprica had an edge to it that said cylon-vs-cylon rather than cylon-vs-human.
4. The mad Cylon hybrid who controls the Basestar says there will be a "chosen one" (presumably from among the Cylon) who will know the Eye of Jupiter. Turns out that Starbuck has been painting an image of the Eye of Jupiter since she was a kid.
5. While injured and strung out, Starbuck manages to figure out how to pilot a busted Cylon Raider with minimal difficulty, despite the fact that engineering geek Galen can't make heads or tails of the thing. Is this her cylon programming taking over?
6. Katee Sackoff, the actor who plays Starbuck, has hinted that she may leave the show. Possibly she'll be outed as a cylon and killed?
7. When D'Anna sees the face of one of the "unknown five" in the Temple, she gives it the same reverent look that Leoben used to give Starbuck when he had her in captivity.
8. Only a robot could have sex with Apollo. OK, so maybe Dualla is a cylon too.
Hard to deny, isn't it? I'll accept your answering brief attempting to dismiss my case against Starbuck's innocence in the comment field below. But I doubt you'll get any judge to agree with you. The trial of Starbuck is on!
TV Fodder: Rapture

(Please note: I'm sicker than a dog as I write this, but i have a deadline to meet. It's hard to focus, what with my head turning to mush and all. Please forgive the lack of insight or any Nyquil-induced dips into excessive hyperbole. My head, and my brain, are hurtin' bad ... Really.)
(41,401 still survive.)
Rejoice. This wasn't a filler ep, nor was it a gimmick ep like I feared it would be. After the slow grind that was "The Eye of Jupiter" and the Internet chatter about executive producer Ron Moore wanting to "shock" fans and kill off a major character, I was glad to see that "Rapture" stayed tense, smart and surprising almost from the outset. Even the supernova effects were impressive.
I was in-and-out for the first few minutes, but my eyes were locked on the blue glow after Helo went against the fleet's best interests and smoked Sharon. This, I thought, is what the series is all about. Galactica isn't just a simple political allegory set in space as many glossy magazines might have you believe -- it's about people and what they do to survive. This idea was played out perfectly in this ep and it was underscored in almost every plot thread.
Was Adama ready to nuke the planet to keep the Cylons from finding Earth? His actions prior to this would make me say no, but the opening scenes were still tense. This is a series where people are changed by circumstance and are sometimes governed by impulse. Even Adama must make sacrifices to survive. I was glad to see the nuke standoff ended soon, since there were many more plot points left hanging from the last ep, including D'Anna and Baltar's vision quest, Sharon's plan to find Hera and the fate of Starbuck.
How bad was Starbuck's crash? Bad enough to make me think "Man, Katee Sackhoff looks like crap." We catch up with the impulsive Kara Thrace sitting inside the smoky crash site with puffy bruises and sliced hands. It's fascinating how this series continues to cut, bruise and bleed its leading characters on screen. War is hell, and top billing won't save anyone on Galactica. The survival theme was played out here with Dee and Starbuck reluctantly working together to pilot the beaten ship back into orbit. I'm not a fan of the darker Dianne and Sam dynamic now hovering over Apollo and Starbuck, but I like the way it was played out here. Seeing Starbuck and Dee help each other and seeing Lee and Anders come to a shaky truce in the name of survival felt realistic -- miles away from the soap operatics that were on display in "Jupiter."
The question of "Will Sharon (Athena) betray the fleet?" weighed heavy in the first half of this ep. Grace Park really sold the emotion and ambiguity here, leaving space for the thought that, maybe, she'll side with the Cylons and deliver the goods on Galactica. Like Roslin warned, we still don't know if she can be trusted. But it seems Sharon only wanted to ensure her family's survival and -- in an applause worthy twist -- Caprica Six, who's now stuck in Galactica's brig, helped her do that.
Baltar -- who's looking more and more like Ron Moore in every ep -- is also, I assume, now stuck in the brig. It was great fun watching him subtly manipulate D'Anna to ensure his own survival and answer his burning existential questions. Is he a Cylon? i hope not. I'm not sure about most fans, but I'm rooting for the little weasel to come out on top somewhow. Maybe it's just James Callis' bizarre line readings and facial expressions, but I always look forward to the Baltar scenes, especially when he's on edge, as he was in this entire ep. Capping his mini-arc off with the death of D'Anna was a good kick in the gut.
I really wasn't sucked in by all the mythology people were babbling about. It was hard to make sense of it all, especially with a medicine head, but it seems the characters didn't know what to make of the Temple of Five or the Eye of Jupiter either. What did it all mean? That and some other very intriguing questions remain:
- What will come of the Chief's spiritual awakening?
- Why did Tigh put the wounded "civie" in the brig?
- Who is the Cylon that D'Anna apologized to? Is it Starbuck -- she who scribbles prophetic circles?
I can't wait to see what' will be done with Six and Baltar. It's about time they got back on Galactica and off that eerie base ship. And is it just me, or is everyone else glad that we won't have to endure that awkward crib on the base ship visual anymore?
SciFi should have the ep up for streaming, not to mention Ron Moore's podcast commentary, soon. Next week: Will Lee choose Starbuck?
Memorable quote:
Tyroll: (To Baltar right before he knocks him out) "Welcome home, Mr. President."
Totally Frakked: I Spy With My Giant Eye... The Way to Earth!

Taking up residence in its new Sunday night time slot, Galactica returns in a big way in the first of nine fresh episodes. From the opening fade-in, in which we see the last Battlestar in orbit around Algae World facing off against the Cylon Base fleet, “Rapture” barrels ahead at full speed with weapons drawn.
To recap where we left off at the end of last month's midseason cliffhanger: The Cylon armada and Galactica were engaged in a nuclear staring contest high above the surface of Algae World. The planet is home to both a new source of food for the starving survivors of the ragtag fleet, and a mysterious artifact called the Eye of Jupiter that could hold the key to finding Earth. The harvesting team was trapped on the planet when the Cylons came knocking. Starbuck had been shot down in her raptor. Admiral Adama’s itchy trigger finger was poised above the button, ready to nuke the planet into dust rather than let the way to Earth fall into the hands of humanity’s merciless enemy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, there was also an impending supernova to contend with.
For those keeping score, the census board in the opening credits now stands at: 41,401.
Now, on to the action. Samuel T. “Macho Man” Anders and Apollo are still arguing about how to save Starbuck, with guns drawn and Centurions marching closer. As an anniversary gift, Apollo decides to send estranged wife Dualla to rescue the woman who’s been frakking her husband. D’Anna and Greasebaltar make it down to the planet with one of the Cavils, but those up top on the command Basestar are furious that she has defied their orders to abort the landing operation.
Aboard Galactica, Adama blinks and stands down with the nukes. Helo and Sharon-Athena emote over a plan to rescue little Hera. To Helo’s horror, the only solution is for Sharon-Athena to download, and just like that... BAM! He shoots, and blood spatters the walls of their quarters. President Roslin and the Admiral tour the scene of the crime, looking none too pleased. Rozz admonishes a gore-soaked Helo for putting the fleet in jeopardy. Towering over her, Helo reminds the President that they wouldn’t be at risk if she hadn’t staged the elaborate lie in the first place. The point is moot; Sharon-Athena awakens on board the command Basestar, with Caprica Six welcoming her back to the fold.
Down on the planet, Macho M’Anders sweats it out, waiting to hear back from Dualla. Starbuck’s downed raptor is pretty much intact, but she’s flambéed both paws and won't be able to fly it, let alone conduct repairs. Dualla reaches the raptor and jabs Starbuck full of pain meds. She then begins work on restoring the raptor’s avionics, firing off a few pointed digs at her adversary along the way.
On the Command Basestar, Sharon-Boomer has been caring for little Hera, whose medical condition is worsening. The screaming, curly-haired urchin quiets when Sharon-Athena arrives, but as is the trend of late, Sharon-Boomer flips out, screaming that it might be better for the Cylons if she just broke the child’s neck. Ironically, C-Six (who snapped a human infant’s neck in the opening minutes of the ‘03 mini-series) intervenes, giving Sharon-Boomer a taste of her own justice. Sharon-Athena and Hera escape in a captured raptor, as conditions on the ground and at the solar system’s sun reach flashpoint.
Centurions close in on Macho M’Anders, Apollo, and the rest of the impromptu resistance guarding the temple containing the Eye of Jupiter. Apollo orders Chief Tyrol to incinerate the artifact, but Greasebaltar, D’Anna, and Creepy Cavil storm in and yank out the detonators. Cavil realizes D’Anna is losing it, and decides to put her out of both her and the Cylons’ misery. Greasebaltar whacks Cavil first. D’Anna sees the eye mandala on the floor and steps onto it, just as the sun lets loose with a hell of a helium flash, the deadly warning sign that it will soon blow up. D’Anna has a vision in which she meets the Mysterious Five Cylon models that none dare speak of, and only the babbling hybrid has ever witnessed firsthand. One of those models, whose face the viewer isn’t allowed to see, is obviously somebody of importance whom D’Anna recognizes. But the power of this vision kills her, and she dies before revealing the truth to Greasebaltar. Worse for the sleazy former President of New Caprica, Tyrol returns to the temple and pistol-whips him unconscious. Also in the process, the Chief realizes that the nova itself is the actual Eye of Jupiter, as its pattern of light perfectly mirrors the mandalas depicted throughout the temple.
Like metal rats leaving a sinking star system, the Cylon Base fleet jumps away. The big flash arrives, and a sequence as elegant as the opening shot plays out, only longer. Raptors dash madly back to the landing decks, Galactica flares away, and hellfire rains down on the planet, burning it to bits. Chief Tyrol and company depart their raptor, carrying with them a body bag containing Greasebaltar’s still unconscious form. Colonel Tigh is sure to have a field day with this one! His guilty pleasure, however, is put on hold when Sharon-Athena disembarks another raptor cradling Hera -- accompanying her is Caprica Six, who is quickly rushed off into custody.
In CIC, Gaeta connects the final Eye of Jupiter dots. This nova mirrors one that occurred 4,000 light years ago, 13,000 light years away. The Colonial fleet hurries toward their next road sign pointing the way to Earth. Helo recognizes the image of the Eye as one of the drawings Starbuck doodled on the wall of her filthy apartment back on Caprica, where they took refuge from the Cylons way back when. For Starbuck, destiny awaits. For D’Anna, the future isn’t so rosy. She awakes on the Basestar and learns that every single D’Anna model is being boxed and sent to cold storage. Cavil pulls the plug, and Lucy Lawless’s run as the arrogant, messianic Number Three comes to its end.
Next up, the four-way between Apollo, Starbuck, Dualla, and Macho M’Anders takes center stage in “Taking a Break.”
Monday, January 22
D'Anna in a Box

I'm really grateful that this show is back, after that suspenseful finale. I'm personally a little exhausted by the whole new night and time slot, since most shows I follow that air at 10 pm on a "work night" shows are past my bedtime and get watched the next day. But with that out of my system, this episode proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a show worth losing a little sleep over.
The whole Lee-Kara-Dualla-Anders thing is really frakked up. Lee asking his wife to go save the woman he truly loves? Um, that's like pouring a whole bucket of salt into an open wound. And she does it, and gets what as a reward for saving the surly Starbucks' ass? A hug from her husband? I don't even like Dualla, but I'm feeling really bad for her. Anders wanted to save his emotionally unavailable wife, and nearly got himself killed in the process, but that was his choice. Dualla really didn't have a choice. Disobey her superior officer and husband and get reprimanded on both levels, or save a woman whom she truly must despise.
By contrast, Helo killing his Cylon wife Sharon so that she could download herself onto the Cylon base ship and find and save their stolen child seems downright romantic. Actually, it was a pretty big leap of faith, considering how little he really knows about the download process. Adama was right to be ticked off that all of their secret military information could be found out if her brain was somehow downloaded into the Cylon mainframe. Madame President, on the other hand, had less of a right considering that it was partly her fault that Helo and Sharon were driven to these extreme lengths. At least Helo called her out on it. "If you hadn't lied and stolen our baby in the first place, we wouldn't be here at all." Did you catch Adama silently holding Helo's arm back so that Helo wouldn't physically attack Roslin? But being that Roslin is a no-nonsense kind of president, she had a quick comeback at the ready, "I certainly played my part in bringing us to this moment. There is plenty of blame to throw around, and I accept it. But now all our lives are in the hands of Sharon Agathon. All we can do is hope that your wife is worthy of the unconditional trust you place in her."
Turns out that Sharon is totally trustworthy, and she manages to completely snow Caprica into believing that she's done with the humans since they mistreated her. The mom in me loved that Hera recognized real Sharon, even though Boomer is genetically identical. The action fan in me loved Caprica hauling off and snapping Boomer's neck. I wonder how Caprica is feeling now that she helped Sharon escape to find help for baby Hera, and Caprica got herself captured by the humans in the process. I can't help but wonder if her holding cell will be right next to Baltar's. That could be awkward.
Speaking of Gaius, according to the Six in his head, he is supposed to be the chosen one, yet he helped D'Anna find the Eye of Jupiter marking that would allow them to see the faces of the remaining five Cylon models, and got pretty much squat out of the deal. He didn't discover what he was desperate to know, if he himself was a Cylon, and he got decked by Tyrol and taken back aboard Galactica as an unconscious prisoner. I'm sure his crimes against humanity won't be so easily forgiven now that he's back.
But the humans have the marker that they wanted, even though it makes me wary of Starbuck. She's been drawing a particular image since she was a child, and it just happens to be the Eye of Jupiter? And Leoben, her Cylon "mate" of sorts said that she "had a destiny and it had already been written." That doesn't bode well. Is it possible that she is one of the final five? If Leoben knows about her destiny and the image she is drawing is tied to the path to Earth, it seems like a likely, yet horrifying, scenario. Then again, it is possible that Leoben was just messing with her mind, and that maybe Kara is just special and chosen to help the humans find a new home. Maybe I'm being naive.
The only one who knows for sure if Kara or Baltar are Cylons is D'Anna, and she's been boxed up and sent off to cold storage indefinitely. Harsh, but clearly this spirited Cylon who was consumed with the idea of discovering these identities at all costs is not one to be trusted. Loved Cavil's line, "Your model is fundamentally flawed." That's so awesome that I'm sure some cheesy reality show will steal it to use as their exit line.
But just because she's boxed doesn't mean that D'Anna or the lovely Lucy Lawless are gone forever. There are always flashback sequences. Plus, Cavil said that her model's stay in cold storage was indefinite, but he didn't say permanent — so there is always the possibility that she could resurface.
All in all, a pretty great way to come back for the second half of the season, in my opinion. I can't wait to see what other obstacles come up on this really bumpy road to Earth.
by Angel Cohn
The Five Cylons You Meet in Heaven

On "Battlestar Galactica," D'Anna has a fatal vision in the temple; meanwhile, Sharon gets downloaded to recover Hera, and Starbuck comes home
Welcome back to you, the Colonial faithful.
Now, you knew that Admiral Adama wasn't going to nuke the planet's surface, didn't you? I mean, even for a show like this, which takes storytelling chances like I've never seen, that was just too big a leap for Wild Bill to take, to atomize his only surviving child. The power of the show, I think, is that it got you to believe, even for just a second, that he might.
And the battle of the biceps continues. Lee and Anders, fighting both for and over one woman. I can't help wondering, though: Is Starbuck really worth it? I've been watching this show from day one, and I love her as a character. And I'd love her by my side in a firefight. But never in my dreams is the woman of my dreams that frakked up. You can't hate her, I know that, but can you truly love her? Knowing what she'll do to you (which both of those gents do)? And, once again, poor Dualla. Know what? She should just divorce Lee and shack up with Gaeta. Now there's a loyal dude. If he can stick with Baltar as long as he did, he'll stand by a good woman like Dualla.
Did you see it coming, Helo killing Sharon? I did, and it still surprised me. Smart, though. He can't be brought up on charges (more than illegal discharge of a firearm, anyway), and it gave Sharon a fighting chance of bringing back Hera. But the cast-iron huevos of Roslin to even stand in that room, let alone berate Helo for his actions....
If this show is about anything, it's accountability, about having to live with the decisions you make. You completely get the idea that, push comes to shove, Sharon would've spent the rest of her immortality on a base ship if it meant that she'd get to be with her daughter. You understand (sort of) why Chief Tyrol didn't blow up the Temple of the Five, because that's something a preacher's kid, no matter how rebellious, just couldn't live with. And it totally made sense that the other Cylon models would vote to have the D'Anna model series boxed, their personalities and memories kept in cold storage. (One of the coolest ways, pardon the pun, to end a guest-star stint, ever.) She's been building to that for a long time, what with that serial-suicide solution to her ''I wanna see the final five'' problem. She's the Cylon that doesn't play well with others. It's probably Baltar's fault. Apparently, going to bed with him renders most machines incapable of obeying their programming. (Don't let him near your dishwasher. Not if you want clean plates. I'm just saying.)
And Caprica Six. Once again, we'll be treated to seeing a Six behind bars. Yeah, I know she'd probably get herself boxed right along with the D'Annas for killing a fellow Cylon and letting the fabled child escape, but what does she expect from Adama and Roslin? Sanctuary? A free pass? A comfy cell right next to Baltar? (Or maybe just to get within striking distance of the ex-president.)
As for the Eye of Jupiter, it was a teensy bit of a cheat in that you didn't need to be in the temple to see the signs of the path to Earth. You didn't even need to be on the planet. So the only thing it was good for was seeing the faces of the final five, which, of course, only D'Anna saw, and she didn't tell anybody who they were — especially not the one she recognized. (I'm guessing Baltar will tease the Colonials with that bit of info until someone launches a raid of sorts on the Cylon cold-storage database and hatches a new D'Anna so that she can reveal the familiar face.)
The worst part about these cliff-hangers is that for all the suspense they build, we always return to a status quo. Sure, there are revelations and discoveries and events of momentous importance, but we always revert back to our premise: humanity's ragtag fleet, running from the Cylons, trying to find Earth. Not that I don't love that premise, I'm just getting a little tired of the bait and switch, if you get my meaning — the dangling carrot of real, fundamental change. Maybe that'll come with the rumored ''Starbuck event'' that's been burning up the subspace chatter, and that whole Psychic Visions I Graffittied My Apartment With thing could be setting up something big. Something that ends with a different kind of supernova.
Don't get me wrong, this episode delivered on its promise. I just wanted a little something more.
What did you think? What'll happen to Baltar, now that he's back in Colonial hands? How will the romantic quadrangle (Starbuck, Lee, Anders, and Dualla) work itself out? Did D'Anna deserve to be boxed? And will Doc Cottle just diagnose Baby Hera with an extreme case of constipation and prescribe a little Pepto?
TV Squad Review: Rapture

I think I said this the last time I posted about this episode, but it felt very much like a season premiere or finale, even though it technically isn't a premiere. So many plot points are either semi-resolved or introduced, leaving me to thank the gods that this is just the beginning of another whole half-season of goodness.
Let's go over what I think are the main plot points of the episode, based on the quotes I teased you with last week...
Athena (to Helo): "I'm begging you to do this. Find the courage to do this for both of us, OK?"
I was surprised at how quickly some of you guessed what this quote was referring to -- good call! When I first saw this scene I was taken by surprise, just as I believe the writers were hoping for. If there was any question before that their love for their daughter was true, this certainly settles it.
Tyrol: "Welcome home, Mr. President."
Here again I was surprised at how little this caused a stir with readers. It was pretty obvious that Tyrol encounters Baltar here, though no one questioned why he seemed to be welcoming him home? Maybe you all thought it might be a dream?
Anyway, I can't wait to see how this all plays out with Baltar back on board the Galactica. My guess is that Tyrol hid him in a body bag to show Tigh si they could have a bit of "fun" with him before Adama caught wind of his capture. I think we haven't seen the last of Baltar's bouts of torture just yet.
D'Anna: "You. Forgive me, I ... I had no idea."
I think many of us assumed this would happen eventually, but even still, this is huge! The speculation that'll be tossed around as to who D'Anna could be talking to here will last for quite a while. However, the one quote I didn't add to my list, and one that could possibly considered just as important, is what she says to Baltar: "You were right." And now we all have to wonder just what Baltar's wondering: "Right about what?"
Remember, D'Anna was among the ships of Galactica for quite some time under the guise of a reporter, so she knows quite a lot of that crew. But who could she have thought she'd have to apologize to once she realized that person was a Cylon? Remember, also, that D'Anna looked at at least three of the other Cylons before seeing a face she recognized, so I guess we could assume they are ones we really haven't seen before.
Another observation: Why are there six white tapestries and only a "final five" Cylons? Does D'Anna now take that sixth spot?
Athena: "Don't shoot! She helped us escape!"
Not as huge a plot point as the others, but still a story changer. Another Cylon on board the Galactica, and although she did help Athena escape the Base Star, I'd be pretty disappointed if she suddenly became so quickly trusted as Athena has become. But now with Athena knowing that her baby was hidden all this time from her by humans, will she work with Six to do some damage in retaliation? Lots to look forward to with this.
Brother Cavil: "Your model is fundamentally flawed."
I thought it was pretty obvious all along that D'Anna's model would be the one to be boxed, as many spoilers had indicated would happen. What's surprising now, though, is what her model has taken to the, er, box with her: the knowledge of who at least several of the unrevealed Cylons are.
While these weren't the only advances in the story, it seems everything else is vastly overshadowed by those mentioned above. Though there's some advancement in the Galactica's search for Earth, it's almost a little insignificant here.
What were your thoughts on the show airing on Sunday night? Personally I like it a lot better, though luckily I didn't have to contend against football tonight with having the DVD ahead of time.
Sunday, January 21
Event Horizon: 'Battlestar Galactica'

Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell explore the line between sci-fi settings and real-life pathos
December 20, 2006
By Sarah Kuhn
Battlestar Galactica, Sci Fi Channel's gritty reimagining of the 1970s classic, is known for sinking its teeth into big, soul-altering issues -- life, death, religion, war -- and exploring the darkest corners of the human heart. The show somehow manages to rip our guts out each and every week, and yet none of it would work if it weren't anchored by two of the most deliciously complex performances currently gracing the small screen.
As Admiral William Adama and President Laura Roslin, Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell are the series' tent-poles, leading humanity's dwindling band of survivors in the quest for Earth.
Both actors were, of course, well-known before their turns on Galactica, which is currently in its third season. Olmos' credits range from his scene-stealing, Emmy-winning role on Miami Vice to films such as Blade Runner and Stand and Deliver, for which he received an Oscar nomination. As a director, he recently helmed the critically acclaimed HBO movie Walkout. McDonnell, meanwhile, has been nominated for two Academy Awards: for her breakout role in 1990's Dances With Wolves and for her searing, prickly performance as a wheelchair-bound soap star in John Sayles' Passion Fish. Her wide array of credits ranges from Independence Day and Donnie Darko to an Emmy-nominated recurring turn on ER.
Recently the duo chatted with Back Stage about chemistry, close-ups, and leaving the intense world of Galactica behind at the end of the day.
Back Stage: Were either of you familiar with the original Battlestar Galactica when you heard about the new series?
Mary McDonnell: I was not familiar with it; I was only familiar by name, because it was airing during a time when I lived in New York without a television. I was doing plays at night, and I never saw it. Certainly I was familiar with the cult of it. Edward James Olmos: I was in the same [boat]. I was doing theatre. I was doing Zoot Suit, and I did it for three straight years. We were onstage six nights a week, only off on Mondays, and I don't think it was on on Mondays. [Laughs]
McDonnell: I've still never seen an episode. I've decided not to look, because my character didn't exist in the last one. I felt it would really be more beneficial to my character and her perception to have every single one of these ideas new to her. I didn't want to have any ideas of Adama and Starbuck [characters featured in both series], because [Roslin] didn't have any connection to them at all. They sent [the first script] to me, and they told me that Eddie was reading it. I heard about it at Sardi's at lunch, that they had sent me it, and it just made me giggle. I didn't put myself together with it at all.
Olmos: I didn't either.
McDonnell: But I always read an offer. And I read it that night, and I went, "Oh, dear. I have to do this." I found it so compelling. And I eventually found out Ed was agreeing to do it, so that made a huge difference to me.
Olmos: I was the same, basically. There was a story that drew me in, especially with the mindset that one has after 9/11. You had a whole different perspective on the end of the world, that whole philosophy. What [Galactica executive producer Ronald D. Moore] did before you read the piece, he put three pages at the beginning. It was like a mission statement, kind of. It told you a little bit about how it was going to be shot. The script was very powerful. It was completely different. It was very much in the realm of Blade Runner, rather than in the realm of the kind of Star Wars, Star Trek opera that I was used to seeing in the genre, that had really permeated the genre since the early '70s. So when I talked to Ron and [executive producer David Eick], we talked about Blade Runner, and I said, "There was a door that was opened there that nobody ever walked in. Everybody walked through the door of Star Wars, but nobody walked through the door of Blade Runner." I said, "If you really want to do that, then I'm game to join up, but I'm going to be very honest: The first four-eyed creature I see, I'll faint. I will faint on camera, and I will be off the show." I just didn't want to go that route. I didn't want to act against those kind of situations; I didn't have the time to do that. So we went into this with a 9/11 perspective and mindset with a very strong understanding of Blade Runner.
This third season has been truly the best television I've ever been involved with in my life, to date. I can't even compare it to anything I've ever done. The closest thing is American Family, actually. Miami Vice doesn't even compare. It's a whole different intent; there's no way of comparing the drama of Miami Vice and the drama that we're trying here. This is closer to, say, West Wing or ER or NYPD Blue, where the human drama is so intense that you're just sucked into the story. This one, it's even more poignant than that because the stakes are so much higher. I've never seen a show like this in my life, ever.
Back Stage: I love the chemistry between your characters, not just romantically but as colleagues and friends. Is that something that happened naturally between the two of you?
Olmos: I think that the chemistry is natural, of course. You're supposed to be professional enough and have the technique to induce any kind of feeling that needs to be worked on. But you better have some kind of a feeling for the person you're working with because inevitably it's going to come out in your performance.
McDonnell: Good or bad.
Olmos: Good or bad, it comes out, and you can feel it. In this case, I was very, very grateful that they got Mary and that Mary allowed herself to do this kind of program. We both went outside of ourselves to do it. I mean, her [and I coming] together under the banner of Battlestar Galactica makes no sense at all. You don't associate Mary McDonnell or Edward James Olmos with Battlestar Galactica. The chemistry that I felt being involved with Mary and then watching her work, it was beautiful. It was so easy to get real with this whole scene and just lock into what I do, the kind of work that I like to do and I find myself most effective in, and that's a real strong sincerity and a commitment that's 100 percent. It happened in Miami Vice; that was a crazy cop show, and they allowed me to create this character. And here they did the same thing, they gave me artistic control of the character, so that's been pretty nice. And Mary has total control of her [character], too.
McDonnell: Well, I take control. [Laughs] I think one of the things I enjoy about this chemistry is that Ed is powerful enough for me. But given the character I had to play, there had to be somebody opposite me who allowed me to be interested in them on every level in order to have this relationship and these power plays that go on. So I'm really deeply grateful that it's Ed, because he's a powerhouse. I would not be able to maximize this situation if I wasn't playing opposite someone that powerful. For me, it's been a real gift.
Back Stage: Do either of you have a favorite scene from the series so far?
McDonnell: I have arcs that are favorites. I don't really have favorite scenes. Except, in terms of scenes with Ed, I do have a favorite scene, and that was the last scene we had together at the end of last season [in which Roslin confesses to rigging the presidential election]. We sat there, the two of us, with everything that had happened up until that point, in the room. I could feel the whole two years leading to that moment, sitting there in the room. I just felt the reality of the series in that scene. So I'm particularly tickled by that. To me, they're all so interesting a lot of the time, but when the story, the big story, somehow plunks itself into the chemistry of the scene and this whole thing starts to vibe, that's when I get very excited.
Olmos: I would agree. I've had some extraordinary scenes, real human, dramatic scenes that I've never experienced before in any show. Scenes with Mary have always been very rewarding, very fulfilling in all respects. I don't care if it's just me coming in and asking her for something; it's always very interesting, what happens. Because we bring along everything. As seasoned artists, you bring in all that you've learned and everything you're experiencing right at the moment. The [scenes] that I think have been most difficult for me have been a couple of major deaths that have happened. There's some very tragic, tragic things happening [on the show], you just can't get around it. I think one of the strongest emotional experiences I've had has been with Katee [Sackhoff, who plays Starbuck], when she decided to tell me that she had actually put my son Zak into the pilot's seat without him being really ready for that, that she's responsible for his death, and I just couldn't take it. I lost it. I came within inches of literally tearing her apart myself from anger. And you see it. She didn't expect that. She expected something more fatherly than that kind of a knee-jerk reaction. It was very difficult to do.
Back Stage: Who didn't expect it -- Katee or Starbuck?
Olmos: Starbuck. Well, Katee didn't either, because we only did it once. In scenes like that, we shoot all of our close-ups first, and that's sometimes opposite of how most people like to work, but I don't see us being able to do this for 10 takes or 20 takes. I just don't know anybody that wants to go there that many times.
McDonnell: You know who does that? John Sayles shoots his close-ups first. It's a great way to work, but you have to be a director who knows what you're doing because you've got to know what your final shot is.
Olmos: It becomes difficult, but emotionally it's very rewarding. I've gotta tell ya, this is like nothing I've ever experienced before. You're not ready for what's happening on this show. You're on [Episode] 7, so we're just finishing 19. You're not ready for where you're going to go. I hated this year. It was so good, but…
McDonnell: [The cast] all had a hard time this year, because as opposed to the two previous years, we were isolated from each other a great deal and we were in positions we didn't want to be in. We weren't seeing each other; the cast wasn't hanging out together, the ensemble was a bit estranged this year, and it was very hard on everyone emotionally [to be separated] in order to do the storytelling that was being asked of us. Someone would come in for two days, they'd be gone. Someone would have to come in for a day, they'd be gone. That feeling that we had the first two years that gave us security was kind of taken away. We all griped quite a bit about it, but then we started seeing the dailies, and we said, "Oh, well. Too bad. It works; we'll do it." [Laughs]
Back Stage: This show explores such dark territory. How do you leave that behind at the end of the day -- or do you?
McDonnell: Well, sometimes these people are easy to leave behind because they are so intense and the situation is so awful. So by the time you jump in the car, you're so happy to be free. And quite often, he and I are dashing to the airport, so within an hour, we're on a plane on phones, doing our home lives, being back as parents. Fortunately we're both parents, and we're lucky that we are. We both have beautiful, beautiful families that are very much alive and well in Los Angeles [the show shoots in Vancouver] and very much need us. It would be awful to be playing these people without that. I get back into my family life so fast, and I don't think about [Roslin] again unless I have to read a script while I'm at home. The first year, though, I have to say, she permeated my dreams. The apocalyptic nature of the situation got into my dreams. I had a very hard time. I went to therapy a little bit and just did a little bit of work on it to figure out how to let her get stronger while I got further away from her. It's easier now, for me.
Olmos: It's never easy [for me], because once you've opened that emotion, you've opened up a can of worms. You went there. It's in the now; you've done it. As much as you want to say, "It's an act," really, the whole reason for doing this is to be in the now. Moment to moment, it's all there and you're really there. I've found this year extremely hard to leave behind. I'm on the verge of emotional breakdown. I'll be watching my daughter or I'll be watching my sons or whatever, I'll be talking to somebody, I'll be watching a film, [and] boom, my emotions just come pouring; I just can't keep them down. Because I'm so in need of that to do the work that we're doing that I can't just turn it off and then walk away from it and then have to regroup to have to get back into that feeling. So I stay there. Not that I stay thinking about it, but emotionally I'm as vulnerable right now as I am when I'm working. It's not easy, because you're constantly emotionally taken aback by these feelings. I can't walk away from it anymore, so I don't try.
McDonnell: You know, I think it's very interesting to listen to you. Because your emotional reality is so appropriate to your character and mine to mine. It's so wonderful to watch actors do their things.
AFI honors Battlestar Galactica

At the Four Seasons luncheon in Los Angeles January 12, the 2006 American Film Institute Awards recognized ten outstanding films and television programs as chosen by a panel of producers, critics, scholars, and AFI trustees. The jury honored Battlestar Galactica because it "shines bright among the stars of television's sci-fi classics," the panel said.
"The show is a profound parable for our times, and in the grand tradition of science fiction, the farther it rockets into outer space, the deeper it probes the inner workings of our humanity. In 2006, the show dramatically changed course from its initial premise -- a true act of creative courage -- and its continuing ability to fuse gripping drama and thoughtful allegory heralds Battlestar Galactica as one of the triumphs of television."
While officially Battlestar Galactica has not yet been renewed by the SCI FI Channel, network vice president Dave Howe and publicist Lana Kim said categorically that no one is considering cancelling it.
At the Television Critics Association meeting in Pasadena, California last Friday, IESB.net asked the question point blank. Kim said that "no, that is not the case. BSG has not been cancelled and there's has been no talk of cancellation or the show not being renewed for another season."
IF Magazine caught up with Howe about the pickup of the show and the new pilot for the hopeful spin-off, Caprica.
"It's doing incredibly well," Howe said of Galactica. "It's held its audience on Friday nights against broadcast competition. We've moved it to Sunday and paired it with a new show [The Dresden Files], which we're hoping will bring in even more of an audience.
"I'm optimistic and I would be shocked if we did not renew Battlestar Galactica."
As for the new spin-off, Howe said, "We had a pilot meeting about a month back which was inconclusive. In about a month's time or so we'll sit down and take a look at what we have in development and Caprica is in that."
Battlestar Galactica moves to Sunday nights starting tomorrow, January 21, at 10 p.m. Eastern and Pacific!
'Battlestar's' Helfer Joins 'Supernatural'

LOS ANGELES -- "Supernatural's" Winchester brothers have faced vampires, demons, ghosts and even a wendigo. But how will they fare against a sexy cylon?
"Battlestar Galactica" actress Tricia Helfer will guest star on an upcoming episode of the CW drama "Supernatural."
On the episode, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) discover a woman named Molly (Helfer) who is being chased by an creepy-looking farmer on the highway. Apparently, she and her husband were driving along when they spotted the farmer in the road, swerved and hit a tree. When Molly came to, her husband was missing.
The situation goes from bad to worse when the Winchester brothers break it to her that the farmer haunts the highway annually and that Molly is likely his next victim.
The episode, titled "Road Kill," will air on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 9 p.m. ET.
Helfer is best known as the leggy Number 6 cylon on Sci Fi's Peabody-winning "Battlestar Galactica." A former model, she hosted and produced "Canada's Next Top Model" and has appeared on "Jeremiah," the TV movie "Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Charlie's Angels" and "C.S.I."
Battlestar Galactica Is Going To Shock

When fans find out which popular character from "Battlestar Galactica" is going to vanish from the ragtag fleet, they'll not only be shocked, they'll be angry.
"In the second half of this season, you can expect many stunning surprises and revelations," show producer David Weddle told SyFy Portal's Michael Hinman. "We will experience the devastating loss of a much loved character who is central to 'Galactica,' and it will shake the crew to the core."
Speculation has centered around the departure of Katee Sackhoff from the show, at least temporarily, taking her character of Kara "Starbuck" Thrace with her. Weddle, however, wouldn't deny or confirm which character would be taken out except that the ripple effects through the rest of the crew will be startling.
"I imagine many fans will be outraged and screaming for our heads," he said. "But others may take comfort in the fact that every time we upset the chessboard and scatter the pieces, it opens the door to many new provocative and exciting stories in the season to come."
How much these changes will enthrall fans will most likely be reflected in the ratings. And while it appears most people connected with the show expect a renewal by SciFi Channel, Weddle says he's not taking any chances.
"The renewal of the show depends on the ratings this January and February," he said. "If you care about this show, browbeat your friends who are not yet fans to watch it. Often, people are resistant because of the title to invest in the show. But I find that if you can get them to watch a few episodes, they almost always get hooked."
Weddle says moving the show to Sundays, beginning this week at 10 p.m. ET, should be a tremendous benefit to the ratings bottom line.
"I am OK with the move to Sundays," he said. "I know many people who have not watched the show on Friday nights because they are out socializing. There will be more available eyeballs on Sunday nights, which is a good thing. But it is also a much more competitive night. We just have to hang tight and hope we draw a decent audience."
There is interesting competition for "Battlestar Galactica" on Sunday night. On cable alone, FX airs its new series "Dirt." As for the networks, they are airing new episodes of popular shows including "Brothers & Sisters" on ABC and "Without a Trace" on CBS. Also, NBC is airing "Crossing Jordan" as well.
Deciding to DVR the other shows and watching BSG live instead could pay off, Weddle said.
"We will learn shocking secrets about several other characters," he said. "Some of the story threads set into motion at the start of the season will be resolved, but in unexpected ways."
"Battlestar Galactica" returns right after the series premiere of "The Dresden Files" Sunday at 10 p.m. ET on SciFi Channel.
Thursday, January 18
Sci-Fi Channel/DirecTV deal

Comprehensive Cross-Platform Sponsorship Deal With SCI FI Channel Puts DIRECTV Everywhere 'Battlestar' Has Presence
NEW YORK – January 18, 2007 – SCI FI Channel has partnered with DIRECTV, the nation's leading satellite television service provider, for a comprehensive sponsorship package that will give DIRECTV a presence everywhere 'Battlestar Galactica' is available. The first deal of its kind for the Channel, this "360-degree" cross-platform partnership will put DIRECTV alongside SCI FI's most critically-acclaimed series on-air, online and in print.
Through this unique broad-ranging deal, DIRECTV will sponsor every episode of SCI FI's hit original series 'Battlestar Galactica' – including the January 21 mid-season premiere – with on-air ads and through a customized promo highlighting the 360 package. Online, DIRECTV's sponsorship will be ever-present throughout the SCIFI.COM site. In addition to being represented in the 'Battlestar Galactica' iTunes page, Ronald D. Moore's podcasts, David Eick's blogs and in the Webisodes page, they will be a sponsor of 'Battlestar's weekly episodic recaps on SCI FI's 'Pulse' broadband channel via DIRECTV pre-rolls. SCIFI.COM will also house a sweepstakes for a chance to win a flat screen television and a year's subscription to the satellite service. In print, there will be a customized DIRECTV ad prominently featured in SCI FI Magazine. DIRECTV will also sponsor the SMS mobile alerts sent by the Channel to Battlestar viewers with updates on upcoming episodes. They will also have a presence in 'Battlestar Galactica's upcoming season 3 home video release.
Mark Miller, Senior Vice President of Sales for the SCI FI Channel notes, "The partnership between 'Battlestar Galactica' and DIRECTV is an exciting opportunity for both brands. With one of the most active and engaged audiences in television, SCI FI viewers are constantly looking for new ways to connect with the brand, and DIRECTV is taking advantage of the power of the SCI FI audience."
"We are constantly on the lookout for media partners that are forward looking and willing to integrate our messaging across all their platforms," added Jon Gieselman, DIRECTV Senior Vice President of Advertising and Public Relations. "There is nothing better than enjoying 'Battlestar Galactica' with the best picture on TV, except later this year when we rule the airwaves with 100 channels in HD."
About DIRECTV, Inc.
DIRECTV, Inc., the nation's leading satellite television service provider, presents the finest television experience available to more than 15.6 million customers through exclusive content, industry-leading customer service (which has surpassed cable for six years running) and superior technologies. Each day, DIRECTV subscribers enjoy over 250 channels of 100% digital picture and sound; exclusive programming and the most comprehensive collection of sports programming available anywhere including NFL SUNDAY TICKET™, and MLB EXTRA INNINGS™. DIRECTV (NYSE:DTV) also leads the digital television technology revolution with exclusives such as NFL SUNDAY TICKET SuperFan™, US Open Interactive and YES Network Interactive and will soon have the capacity to offer over 150 channels in HD. For the most up-to-date information on the Company, please visit directv.com.
SCI FI Channel is a television network where "what if" is what's on. SCI FI fuels the imagination of viewers with original series and events, blockbuster movies and classic science fiction and fantasy programming, as well as a dynamic Web site (www.scifi.com ) and magazine. Launched in 1992, and currently in 86 million homes, SCI FI Channel is a network of NBC Universal, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies.
Six Gets Challenged In Battlestar

Tricia Helfer, one of the stars of SCI FI Channel's original series Battlestar Galactica, told SCI FI Wire that her characters—all variations of the Cylon Number Six—will face challenges as the series returns with new episodes at 10 p.m. on Jan. 21.
"I think it's mostly Caprica Six, and she's kind of at a crossroads," Helfer said in an interview at the Television Critics Association winter press tour in Pasadena, Calif., last week. She said that the character will do something that won't be looked on kindly by her fellow Cylons.
Caprica, the original Six model, will make a fateful decision at the end of the first new episode, "Rapture," which also marks Battlestar Galactica's debut in a new timeslot on Sunday nights. "She kind of feels that, maybe, like Athena [Grace Park], ... she can be accepted by the humans," Helfer said. "And I think she feels a little bit of turmoil and not sure which side she should be on."
As for her on-again, off-again relationship with Gaius Baltar (James Callis)? "She's actually kept quite separate from Baltar," Helfer revealed.
In future episodes, Helfer said: "I think [fans will] be a little bit surprised with an episode coming up. ... We find Caprica Six, she's getting a little bit confused, ... but then we see a scene where her strength comes back, and her ... you're-not-going-to-push-a-strong-woman-around kind of strength comes back, and I think we may have a few people cheering."
Wednesday, January 17
New Battlestar Galactica #5

Each and every month, Dynamite Entertainment is your only source for the all-new adventures of the crew of the Battlestar Galactica? Have you come onboard yet?
Issue #5 begins the second storyarc from writer Greg (Planet Hulk) Pak and Nigel Raynor - all heading towards issue #12 and the conclusion of our first year of all-new stories from the all-new Battlestar Galactica! This month, the crew faces an unexpected new challenge in the form of a group of scavenging pirates, adrift in space and an eye of Galactica as their latest prize! Plus: Old School Cylons!
Battlestar Comments Ruined Marathon

Thank you for ruining the marathon of Battlestar Galactica this Monday. I was looking forward to watching it and getting ready for its return. Then what do I see? All those comments going across the screen ruining the show. What really pisses me off is you show BSG in widescreen (I like widescreen); why didn't you show the comments in the black area of the screen instead of across the picture? (I could have lived with that!) Whoever thought of doing this should be fired.
As an advertiser, I wouldn't pay to run a commercial knowing you're pissing off the viewers. So I stopped watching.
Tyrone P. Norwood
norwoodtp AT hotmail DOT com
Major change awaits ‘Battlestar Galactica’

Speculation about a major character death has been rampant in the “Battlestar Galactica” world of late. (By the way, stop reading if you don’t want to know more about upcoming “Battlestar” plots.)
Rumors abound that a character will die in the second half of the Sci Fi drama’s third season, which kicks off Jan. 21. And much of the “who will it be” speculation centers on hotshot pilot Kara “Starbuck” Thrace.
In an exclusive interview, executive producers David Eick and Ron Moore say that a “profound” event involving Starbuck does occur in a pivotal Season 3 episode called “Maelstrom,” which is scheduled to air March 4. In fact, Moore says it “will be one of the most surprising things that’s happened in the history of the show so far.”
What happens to Thrace “will jump out and grab you,” Moore says.
The producers confirmed what Katee Sackhoff (the actress who plays Starbuck) said in a recent interview: that as of the March 4 episode, she had completed her work on the show’s third season, even though three more episodes air after “Maelstrom.”
So the actress finished her work on the season early, and something major and surprising happens in the last episode that Sackhoff filmed. But Eick and Moore don’t want to use the word “death” when describing what happens to Starbuck in “Maelstrom.”
“I think people will have to watch that episode and judge for themselves what happens,” Moore says. “I can say that Galactica will suffer a shocking loss in that episode, and Kara is a key member of the crew.”
Just to add fuel to the fire of “Galactica” bloggers, Moore adds that after the March 4 episode airs, the name of a major cast member will disappear from the show’s opening credits. They won’t say whether Sackhoff’s name is the one that goes that’s missing. But they do make clear that what happens to Starbuck points the way to a major shift in the show’s direction.
“It’s a fundamental and permanent change in the makeup of the show’s cast and of the show itself and how the show operates and what the show is about. It’s a very dramatic change of direction,” Moore says.
“What we’re doing with Kara Thrace is profound and is major, and yet it doesn’t necessarily translate as simply as you might think,” Eick says. That makes sense when you consider that in the world of “Battlestar Galactica,” the Cylon characters, who are locked in an epic battle with the humans, are able to die and be reborn, or “downloaded,” into new bodies.
Of course, Moore won’t say whether Thrace is a Cylon and if she gets downloaded. Eick and Moore also won’t say if Gaius Baltar, a canny survivor who’s spent time with both the Galactica crew and with the Cylons, is in fact a Cylon. But they will say Baltar’s character undergoes a trial for his crimes against his fellow humans, and they add that a photo that surfaced online of Baltar in a Cylon resurrection tank is from a dream or fantasy sequence and not something to be taken literally.
“Some of the speculation (regarding Starbuck and others) sounds so cut and dried, `Oh, this is going to happen and that’s that,’” Moore says. “And it’s really not that simple. There are different layers that we’re trying to protect and that we want to be able to deliver to the audience at the appropriate time.”
Eick and Moore confirmed that they are developing a two-hour stand-alone “Battlestar Galactica” film, which may be released between Seasons 3 and 4. If there is no Season 4, then the film, which would be released on DVD and air on Sci Fi, would not go forward.
In any case, the DVD movie would not be a conclusion of the show’s third-season cliffhanger finale, which they say will once again take the show in a shocking new direction.
“If you think about the end of Season 1 and the end of Season 2, both of those cliffhangers—they weren’t just of the `Who shot J.R.’ ilk. They actually turned the storytelling in a new direction.” Eick says. The end of Season 3, he says, will be no exception. “So what we’re doing at the end of this year, which involves Kara Thrace and others, is (taking the storytelling) in a different and unique direction from what’s come before.”
“Whether the fans of the show like what we do at the end of this year or find themselves aghast at what we do, they can rest assured it’s not what they’re expecting,” Eick says. “Whatever they think is going to happen, think again.”
by Maureen Ryan
Chicago Tribune
16 January 2007
Tuesday, January 16
Battlestar Galactica 3.5: An early look

As some of you may have seen, TV Squad's Joel Keller and Kevin Kelly are out in L.A. helping us cover the TCA press tour this month. Last week Kevin was lucky enough to score me an early copy of the next episode of Battlestar Galactica on DVD, so of course I said "the Golden whats?" and watched it as soon as I could tear the package open.
Last time we saw the show, you might remember that Adama was about to launch nukes to the planet surface. I'm not going to go out of my way to ruin surprised for you here, but I will say, once again, you won't be disappointed. This is an episode worthy of a season premiere, even though it technically isn't one.
Before you get totally jealous that I saw this episode early, know that these things come to us in a very unpolished form. The bulk of the visual effects are incomplete and even some of the dialogue is thrown in by the director(?) in some cases. It definitely makes one want to see the actual aired episode, even though you know what will happen.
The best way I can think of to not outright spoil things for you is to pick choice quotes from each of what I call the main plot points and let you have at it with your speculation. I'll have something more juicy in Spoilers Anonymous tomorrow. Trust me, while, to you, the quotes below seem very vague, they are key moments in the episode (and the show, for that matter).
* Athena (to Helo): "I'm begging you to do this. Find the courage to do this for both of us, OK?"
* Tyrol: "Welcome home, Mr. President."
* D'Anna: "You. Forgive me, I ... I had no idea."
* Athena: "Don't shoot! She helped us escape!"
* Brother Cavil: "Your model is fundamentally flawed."
Monday, January 15
SciFi Channel's Exec VP on BSG Season 4 & Flash Gordon

Intrepid and determined, and always trying to find out the details on our favorite shows, iF MAGZINE cornered SCI FI Channel Executive Vice President Dave Howe at a cocktail party celebrating their new show PAINKILLER JANE and got the inside line on some of our favorite shows and what’s coming up for the network.
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA seems to be doing well enough to warrant a fourth season, the future of a LOST ROOM series looks bleak, and we’re still not sure what to expect from FLASH GORDON, but read on as we spill the secrets and answers we were able to glean from our audience with one of SCI FI’s fearless leaders.
iF MAGAZINE: What can you tell me about the concept for the new FLASH GORDON. Will it be campy like the 1980’s movie or grittier like the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA?
DAVE HOWE: I can’t tell you, not because I won’t tell you, but we really don’t know. First of all I’m really thrilled by the buzz for FLASH GORDON. It’s been an incredible response since we said we were re-making the show. I have to say that I have always been a huge fan, and it’s always been one of my all time favorite movies. When I threw out that we should re-make FLASH GORDON a lot of people said it was cheesy, and I reminded them that was what we said about BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. The reason I can’t tell you much is I don’t know. I’ve seen some very early treatments, very embryonic discussions about what to do with it and where to take it. We don’t want to replicate the comic and we want to take it in a new and fresh direction, and make it relevant and relatable and most important we want it to be fun. We want it to be in the spirit of the pulp comics, which is anything goes with bright blue skies and fun. That was what I loved about the movie, that it was campy and smart. Ask us again in a month’s time and we’ll have more developed for it.
iF: Will BATTLESTAR GALACTICA be back for a fourth season?
HOWE: Here’s how it works in TV. A lot of people have said to me that it appears to be some indecision as to whether BATTLESTAR GALACTICA comes back or not. Absolutely not. The way it works is you have a pick up date by which you have to make a decision about picking up shows for the next season, and you don’t need to make the decision until that date so we don’t make the decision until that date. Do I think BATTLESTAR will come back? I’m pretty much certain BATTLESTAR will come back. It’s doing incredibly well; it’s held its audience on Friday nights against broadcast competition. We’ve moved it to Sunday and paired it with a new show, which we’re hoping will bring in even more of an audience. I’m optimistic and I would be shocked if we did not renew BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.
Click the IF Magazine link to see the rest of the article
Saturday, January 13
AFI Awards 2006 Salutes Film and Television

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Clint Eastwood, Steven Spielberg, Helen Mirren, Sacha Baron Cohen, Spike Lee, Steve Carrell and many other artists from in front of and behind the camera were among the attendees honored by the American Film Institute (AFI) in Los Angeles today, during its AFI AWARDS 2006 luncheon sponsored by Hewlett-Packard.
Additionally celebrated was HP's creation of 20 scholarships to the AFI Conservatory, one for each of the AFI honorees. The AFI Conservatory is world-renowned for its advanced training of the next generation of storytellers.
This is the seventh year to record entries to AFI's almanac of the 21st century, which documents the year's most outstanding achievements in film and television, as well as significant moments in the world of film and television. AFI AWARDS is the only form of national recognition that acknowledges the collaborative nature of film and television by honoring the creative ensembles as a whole-including those both in front of and behind the camera.
The creative community came together today at the Four Seasons Hotel for the luncheon. Among the principal cast members (in alphabetical order) were: Rinko Kikuchi (BABEL), Tricia Helfer, Mary McDonnell, Edward James Olmos and Katee Sackhoff (BATTLESTAR GALACTICA), Sacha Baron Cohen (BORAT), Michael C. Hall (DEXTER), Jennifer Hudson, Keith Robinson (DREAMGIRLS), Adrian Palicki, Scott Porter (FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS) Ryan Gosling (HALF NELSON), Adrian Pasdar, Masi Oka (HEROES), Helen Mirren (ELIZABETH I), Abigail Breslin, Steve Carrell, Toni Collette, Paul Dano and Greg Kinnear (LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE), B.J. Novack (THE OFFICE).
Among acclaimed directors present were: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu (BABEL); Larry Charles (BORAT); David Frankel (THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA); Bill Condon (DREAMGIRLS); Ryan Fleck (HALF NELSON); Spike Lee (INSIDE MAN); Clint Eastwood (LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA); Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris (LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE); John Cassar (24); Lesli Linka Glatter (THE WEST WING); and Ernest Dickerson (THE WIRE).
Helen Mirren closed the event with a moving benediction that honored Robert Altman. Mirren, who starred in Altman's GOSFORD PARK, paid tribute to the fierce independence of mind that distinguished him as a filmmaker and person.
Also among the guests were members of the AFI Board of Trustees, AFI AWARDS jurors and longtime supporters of the institute including: Michael Apted; Richard H. Askin, Jr; Mark Canton; John F. Cooke; Robert A. Daly; Ari Emanuel; Richard Frank; Charles W. Fries; Fay Kanin; Suzanne Lloyd; Mace Neufeld; Daniel Petrie, Jr; Tom Pollock; Jay Roach and Vivian Sobchack.
Michael Apted from the AFI Jury for Motion Pictures and Rich Frank, chair, AFI Jury for Television entered the jury rationales into the almanac by reading them as scenes from the films and TV programs were presented. Announced for the first time today, the complete rationales can be found at http://www.afi.com/. Jean Picker Firstenberg, AFI's President and CEO, congratulated the creative ensembles as a whole from each of the 10 films and 10 television programs selected (listed below and previously announced on December 10, 2006).
The luncheon also reflected on the eight AFI Moments of Significance- issues that most affected the art of film and television during 2006. These spanned issues from the dialog on free speech between television networks and the FCC in which several networks including ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX challenged the FCC's citation of "indecent" language; the explosive growth of YouTube; Clint Eastwood's invaluable contributions to the film community; the prominence of the documentary as a vehicle for global awareness and change, the decision not to air O.J. Simpson's hypothetical "If I Did It" special; Digital media's triumph over VHS; the fusion of journalism and comedy with the success of programs like THE COLBERT REPORT; and the death of maverick American filmmaker Robert Altman.
The official selections are listed below in alphabetical order:
About the AFI Conservatory
The AFI Conservatory is world-renowned for its advanced professional training designed to nurture the talents and enhance the skills of tomorrow's leading storytellers in the global motion picture and television professions. The curriculum focuses on narrative, visual storytelling through hands-on collaboration, taught by working professionals from the film and television communities. Master of Fine Arts degrees are granted in six filmmaking disciplines-Cinematography, Directing, Editing, Producing, Production Design and Screenwriting. The AFI Conservatory has trained more than 3,000 artists since its founding in 1969. These graduates have, and will continue to have, a major impact on the art of film, television and digital media.
About the American Film Institute
AFI is a national institute providing leadership in screen education and the recognition and celebration of excellence in the art of film, television and digital media. AFI trains the next generation of filmmakers at its world-renowned Conservatory, maintains America's film heritage through the AFI Catalog of Feature Films and explores new digital technologies in entertainment and education through the AFI Digital Content Lab and K-12 Screen Education Center. As the largest nonprofit exhibitor in the US, AFI ON SCREEN encompasses the annual AFI FEST presented by Audi: AFI Los Angeles International Film Festival-as well as year-round programming at ArcLight Hollywood and the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center in Silver Spring, Maryland, including SILVERDOCS: AFI/Discovery Channel Documentary Festival. AFI AWARDS, the annual almanac for the 21st century, honors the most outstanding motion pictures and television programs of the year, while AFI's 100 Years . . . series has ignited extraordinary public interest in classic American movies. And, during the past 34 years, AFI's Life Achievement Award has become the highest honor for a career in film. Additional information about AFI is available at AFI.com.
will be available online following the luncheon on Friday January 12, 2007 at http://www.afi.com/about/press/index.asp
Additional photos will be available through Getty Images at http://www.gettyimages.com/
The jury rationales for each selection will also be announced at the luncheon. The complete rationales for all of the selections will be available at AFI.com by 5:00 p.m. EST (2:00 p.m. PST) at http://www.afi.com/tvevents/afiawards06/default.aspx
listing the official selections along with the 2006 jury members and Moments of Significance can also be found at: http://www.afi.com/about/press/press.aspx
Website: http://www.afi.com/
Not Just Another Viper Jockey

Continuing our tradition of BSG excellence, I give you: Our community's 3rd exclusive actor interview! Leo Chiang is a self-described background performer in BSG, often seen hanging out in Galactica's rec room with the other pilots. Over the past few seasons he's become a fan favorite, and last month he was kind enough to take questions from members of our community!
What sort of direction are you given in regards to your character's motivation in scenes?
Lol, I'm an overfeatured background performer. The only direction I get is to be quiet.
How did you prepare for you role, did you talk to any military people or pilots?
I did a few months as an air cadet in the Canadian Air Force many years ago, until they wanted me to cut my hair (yes, I used to have long hair). Also, I come from a long line of career military men. I am the first generation that has not done any military service. When you grow up with your dad polishing guns in the kitchen some of that rubs off on you. The agency I am with (www.dc5talent.com) also specializes in police and military roles.
Dude! We love you in the background scenes. Are they ever going to GIVE YOU ANY LINES? :)
I yell out "Chromedome" in season 3 episode 6 (Torn) in response to giving Sharon a new call sign. That's about it, otherwise I do a lot of cool nodding and grunting and stuff. I'd love to get an opportunity to develop my character further.
What's the most challenging part of playing this role? Is it a rewarding challenge?
Believe it or not it's actually pretty tough to be in a scene where I'm the only one NOT talking and yet I have to respond to the conversations around me in a convincing manner. You guys see a short cut but some of those scenes takes hours and many, many takes to complete. I hope I'm pulling it off alright. Sometimes I wish I could talk just to make things easier and more natural. It's pretty rewarding to be able to work on your favorite show and be part of a pretty old legacy.
What's an average day on the BSG set like for you?
If it's an early call-time I grab breakfast (great caterers on the show!) then I grab my wardrobe. Then I grab a coffee from crafty and wait to be called to set where we do take after take of me doing the aforementioned head nodding and grunting. Then we grab lunch and I try to squeeze back into my costume and try to look like I'm not sucking in my gut. Wednesdays are Hamburger Day where they break out the grill a couple of hours after lunch. Mmm, my stomach rules my world. Do you realize how much I save on groceries working in this industry?
Was that you betting on Hotdog in the Starbuck vs Hotdog boxing match? If so, why Hotdog and not Starbuck?
Actually no, I'm not too sure why I didn't get the call for that episode. Maybe I was attached to another show at the time. I know the other guy though, he's a buddy of mine, he's a buff guy but quite a bit shorter than me. I'd probably still be cheering for Hotdog to get back at Starbuck for being with Anders, lol. Plus, I like to root for the underdog.
Which BSG actor do you enjoy being on set with the most?
Man, tough question. They're all great, and I'm not just saying that. Although I was closest to Grace Park because we had already known each other from another show. During season 1 I chatted a lot with Grace and Sam Witwer (Crashdown), he's a real comedian that guy. Leah Cairns (Racetrack) is really sweet and supportive and always has time for a friendly chat. Also, I'm in a lot of scenes with Bodi Olmos (Hotdog) and Sebastian Spence (Narcho), great guys both! Otherwise, I'm pretty separate and stay in the background tent.
Do you hang out with any of the other actors when you're not filming? You seem like a party guy, are you a big party guy?
Hehe, I really try to keep my professional and personal life separate. I'm also at the age where partying is pretty low on my list of priorities. Coming up on my 3rd annual 29th birthday now. I like to entertain at home a lot though.
Are your tattoos real?
Over 40 hours of painful realism.
What do your tattoos mean? They look wicked. >:-)
The left side is dedicated to my family. If you look real close my family name (Chinese character) is on my upper arm and is being protected by a tiger. The koi on my chest means my family's success and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds. The band in mid-bicep is the ancient Chinese character for Longevity/long-life. The right side is for my culture/heritage. Typical Chinese dragon on the chest with his body curled around my arm and a dragon band to finish it off. I purposely cut the sleeves at mid-bicep so that I can wear a t-shirt and no one would know I was tattooed. The back are various symbols for joy, bliss and good luck . . . protective symbols. My abdomen is actually 5 characters drawn to look like one, it's part of an ancient Chinese idiom that says time "Tells A Person's Heart." The whole idiom is "Like a long journey tests a horse's stamina, so does time tell a person's heart".
Click the Battlestar Blog link to see the rest of the article
Sci Fi.com Unveils new Digital Offerings

New Broadband Channel, SCI FI Drive-In, Launches in January
SCI FI PULSE Introduces the Battlestar Galactica Video Maker Tool Kit
PASADENA, Calif. – January 12, 2007 – As part of SCI FI's continued commitment to providing viewers with unique ways to interact with digital content, SCI FI.com today announced the creation of SCI FI Drive-in, a new broadband destination for hard-to-find science fiction classics, and the addition the Battlestar Galactica Video Maker Took Kit, a new user generated content feature on SCI FI Pulse.
SCI FI Drive-in introduces the digital generation to the fun, retro movies and shorts that put the science fiction genre on the map. Launching on January 21 with a library of nearly 100 films, shorts and animations, SCI FI Drive-in presents classic cult movies, fun television serials and uproariously campy documentaries and trailers. SCI FI Drive-in will feature films such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligare, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Giant Gila Monster, and The Snow Creature. Serial genre titles will include Flash Gordon, The Lost City and Undersea Kingdom. In addition, SCI FI Drive-In will also offer a variety of hilariously outdated educational films such as Century 21 Calling, Design for Dreaming, A Touch of Magic and Man and his Culture, in addition to side-splitting original film trailers for camp classics such as Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, Bella Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla and Twenty Million Miles to Earth.
SCI FI Pulse, the Channel's original online content destination which has generated over 22 million streams since debuting last year, will soon release the Battlestar Galactica Video Maker Tool Kit, an online resource which enables fans to create their own short form content. Complete with film clips, special effects, music, and sound effects, users are invited to create their own promotional clips for Battlestar Galactica, which may be submitted for on-air consideration. The new feature builds upon the popularity of the Battlestar Galactica series and webisodes and invites viewers of the show to participate in the creative process by generating their own unique content.
SCI FI Channel is a television network where "what if" is what's on. SCI FI fuels the imagination of viewers with original series and events, blockbuster movies and classic science fiction and fantasy programming, as well as a dynamic Web site (www.scifi.com ) and magazine. Launched in 1992, and currently in 86 million homes, SCI FI Channel is a network of NBC Universal, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies.
Interview with Aaron & Michael Trucco

GoFy Radio did a 25 minute interview with Aaron Douglas & Michael Trucco (Aaron sounds like he has lost his voice). The interview is in three parts and can be listened to/downloaded from their myspace page http://www.myspace.com/gofyradio meshel73 downloaded the three parts and put them together. You can download the complete interview from HERE.
About 6 minutes in, Aaron says that the actors have to wait until February 18th to find out if their contracts will be renewed. And he also says he has no idea if season 4 has been picked up.
Friday, January 12
That's one hot toaster: Tricia Helfer in Playboy

Tricia Helfer, best known to fans of “Battlestar Galactica” as the Cylon Number 6, is the cover girl of the February issue of Playboy. This picture is artfully cropped (this is a family newspaper after all), but if you desire to see the whole layout, the issue goes on sale Friday.
There is an interview with Tricia that goes along with the pictorial (I read Playboy for the articles. No, really). Here are a couple of excerpts from the article:
On her wonder years: “I grew up with three sisters on a farm in Alberta. I hauled grain and cultivated the field. We didn’t have a television and I think the only movies we saw were “Star Wars’ and ‘Star Trek.’ I’m not a chick-flick kind of gal.”
On the fans: “I go to ‘Battlestar Galactica’ conventions because I love to meet fans. They are really intelligent, passionate people, and I appreciate those qualities. I feel a sense of duty because they are looking for Number 6, so I can’t just roll out of bed and show up. In real life I don’t get noticed that much because I don’t wear a blonde wig.”
Thursday, January 11
Five Reasons Why Battlestar Galactica Will Survive

Why is everybody worried about whether or not there will be a fourth season of Battlestar Galactica? True, critical acclaim is not enough to keep a show afloat (Arrested Development anyone?), but Galactica has much more than critical praise going for it. Here are the five things you may or may not know that make Battlestar Galactica a virtual lock for a fourth season:
1 - The international audience. American ratings are only part of the equation in granting Battlestar another season. In the past, seasons have been financed in cooperation with foreign markets where Battlestar does incredibly well. Sky One would be a likely financial contributor to bank-rolling another season of Battlestar Galactica.
2 - Multi-platform. Universal has only played around with getting Galactica out in different platforms, and then mostly with the old school. Rumors are a new next gen game is in production for Xbox 360 and other consoles, TOR has a line of books that do fairly well, and the title has recently been gracing a line of comics from emerging indie wunderkinds Dynamite entertainment.
3 - DVD Sales. Battlestar DVD sales are of the level that nearly makes the American advertising revenue gravy. If Universal is smart, they'll continue to ramp up the special features on the box sets and make even more money. With the limitation of a Standard Definition network like Sci-Fi Channel being the sole broadcaster in the states, a Blue-Ray or HD-DVD release of the series could generate some extra milk from previous seasons not to mention add another layer of profits to Season Three.
4 - The ratings. In reality, the ratings are not that bad, and for all its sci-fi glory, Battlestar is exceptionally cheap to produce. The move to sundays will make the show more accessible to audiences who might be tuning in for the hot factor, since most of them are out partying during the current Friday night slot.
5 - The critical acclaim. Okay, I know the Arrested comment kinda counters this, but don't think for a second that Sci-Fi channel doesn't need that critical acclaim. Sci-Fi has paid big dollars for prestige in the past, Taken, Dune, and more recently, The Lost Room, all were far too expensive to break even on broadcast advertising alone. With Stargate winding down, what does Sci-Fi have to rely on to keep it's head above schlock? Face it, ECW and Ghost Hunters aren't going to fit the bill. Battlestar is the peabody awarded winning feather in it's cap that they can't afford to let go of. The legitimacy Battlestar Brings Sci-fi channel is worth every penny of its budget.
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