Saturday, June 17

The End Is Near, But First, This Commercial

Source: Washington Post

There are a lot of really crummy ways we could all die, including nuclear annihilation or a flu pandemic.

And then, of course, there's the possibility that we'll be attacked by aliens. Or that robots might become smarter than humans and put us in zoos.

The Sci fi Channel Sponsored a discussion on Capitol Hill this week. It was called "Countdown to Doomsday" The Dissussion focused on a potential end of the Human race and civilisation as we know it . The Cylons were a part of this important debate and many Senators expressed their view on world that would include robots like the Cylons.
As proof of how this could happen, the special then shows clips from "Battlestar Galactica," a show about robots battling humans that just happens to air on Sci Fi.
The news conference dealt with only three modes of mass extinction, although Sci Fi Channel Executive Vice President Dave Howe assured everyone that if they view the special, they will see "another seven terrifying scenarios."
"You wanna watch the robots," Douglass said. "Seriously."
Rep. James Langevin (D-R.I.), who participated in the panel on nuclear terrorism, said afterward that he had not seen an advance copy of "Countdown." We told him about threat No. 9, alien attack, and asked how he rated that risk.
"I would put that relatively low on the list of threats," he said. "Who are you with?"

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